
The Wise Quacking Duck

The Wise Quacking Duck 动漫

地区: 美国

语言: 英语

片长: 7 分钟

类型: 动画

导演: Robert Clampett

简介: The aptly named Mr. Meek is sent by Sweety Puss to kill Daffy for dinner. Daffy escape the hatchet, and hides behind a haystack, squirting ketchup for blood and making dying noises. Mr. Meek...展开
The aptly named Mr. Meek is sent by Sweety Puss to kill Daffy for dinner. Daffy escape the hatchet, and hides behind a haystack, squirting ketchup for blood and making dying noises. Mr. Meek sees through this, and chases Daffy into the house. Inside the house, there's a lot of ch...展开
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